Three Ways Meal Prep is Efficient | Phoenix Senior Home Care — Like Family Home Care

Three Ways Meal Prep is Efficient

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One of our most needed services for seniors is meal preparation. But sometimes this kind of service is hard for families to figure out.


Can't mom or dad just open up a can of soup, or one of those frozen chicken pot pies that he or she loves so much? Maybe, but if we're going to make a decision either way, let's err on the side of comprehensive care. Let’s make sure that he or she is taken care of.


Here are three important things that meal prep services can do for your family.


Buying In Bulk


Obviously, one of the financial benefits of meal prep is that it's distributed and served by economies of scale.


Instead of somebody buying a loaf of bread, somebody is buying 12 loaves of bread and making them all into sandwiches. When this is done right, it cuts down on the overall cost of food. Of course, there's still the cost of delivery and all that, but there's less food waste and less time and energy involved in feeding a given number of people. So even though you may end up paying the same, you’re not winding up with a bunch of discarded food trash and wrappers in your loved one’s home from day to day – which can be nearly a full-time job in itself!



You don't always think about meal preparation as a safety issue – but when it comes to seniors, in so many ways, it is. First, you have the potential for knife accidents. As your family members get older, they may tend to have less dexterity, and that's something to consider. Then there are the burns and scalding injuries that come from trying to heat food. Meal prep is the service that eliminates those dangers for your aging family member.


Eyes On Your Senior


Is mom or dad hungry? Are they even eating?


If they're preparing their own meals, you might not really know. But meal prep ensures that there will be someone keeping an eye on a senior’s diet and how often they are eating. That additional monitoring and supervision can be important in some types of assisted living scenarios.


Let’s have a conversation on what will work for the senior citizen in your family. We know that this is not a one-size-fits-all type of field. So we can work with you to get the right solutions in place. Enjoy your family time in this holiday season!