How Older Adults Can Stay Active During Cold Weather


As the temperatures continue to drop outside, it’s tempting to stay inside, grab a blanket, and cozy up on the couch. However, getting out and staying active is critical, especially for seniors. Physical activity can decrease your risk for various diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and depression. Also, exposure to sunlight gives you some necessary Vitamin D thanks to sunlight, which can improve bone health. Today, we are sharing a few tips for you to stay active, even during the winter:

·       Take a walk.

There is a reason why walking has been considered one of the best exercises. It’s easy for everyone to do, you don’t need any expensive equipment, and it has many benefits that can’t be overlooked. Walking not only maintains a healthy weight, but it also strengthens your bones and muscles, prevents many conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and improves coordination. Before you head out the door, check weather conditions and make sure your walking path is shoveled and clear of any ice. Also, let a few people know where you are going and how long you will be gone.

·       Take a class.

Even though we are social distancing, it’s possible to take an exercise class. These days, many exercise classes have gone online, where you receive instructions and guidelines inside of your home. It’s a great way to exercise without being exposed to any harsh weather conditions. Reach out to your local gyms and find out if they offer any classes for seniors.

·       Tend your garden.

If you love gardening, you can practice your favorite hobby in the cold weather. First, you can start by winterizing your garden. This can include getting rid of weeds, clip any dead parts of plants, plant bulbs that grow in early spring, and store any tender plants away for warmer weather. You may also want to look into crops that do well in the winter seasons. Contact your local gardening center for recommendations on which plants will do the best in your local region.

·       Do household chores.

Don’t wait for the spring to start spring cleaning. Doing household chores such as laundry, vacuuming, and polishing can be a great physical activity to do around the house. It gets you moving and helps you stay productive.

Even though it’s cold, it doesn’t mean that your physical activity should come to a stop. There are ways of getting up and moving around that keep you safe and helps you follow any COVID-19 restrictions. As an older adult, it’s important to stay active and get moving to be in your best health. If the senior in your life needs in-home care, contact us at Like Family Home Care today.