Tackle Potential Home Hazards For Elderly Sooner Rather Than Later

Experiencing physical limitations is a natural part of the aging process. Aging can negatively impact a person’s sensory organs affecting smell, taste, hearing, touch, and vision. When any of these sensory changes begin to happen to older adults, their homes can become hazardous to their health. 

We can undermine some of the negative consequences of aging on a loved one’s lifestyle by being proactive. Tackling specific challenges before they become issues will allow us to provide the best quality of living and safety for our elderly family and friends. One of the most helpful ways you can impact an aging loved one’s life is by addressing the possible hazards in their home early before they cause frustration or injury. 

Falls are the number one cause of an older adult’s injury that potentially leads to a diminished quality of life. You can help keep at-home falls and accidents at bay by implementing a few changes in your aging loved one’s home. 

Secure Or Remove Loose Rugs

Rugs are essential for warmth and comfort within a home as they provide a soft, insulated surface over cold, hard flooring. However, rugs are also potential hazards for aging people as they can easily slide and bunch up if not appropriately secured to the floor. Ensure all the rugs in the house are secured in place and remove any. You may consider replacing small flimsy rugs with more oversized heavy rugs to decrease the chances of slipping. 

Keep Stairs Clear From Clutter

It is easy to use stairs as waiting areas for items we need to take on our way or down. As we age, navigating stairs becomes trickier and, thus, more dangerous. To be safe, remove any items from stairways so that your loved one is less likely to be tripped up on their ascent and descent. This also means securing or removing stair runners to ensure sure footing. 

Rethink Kitchen Organization

While most aging people cook less and less at home, they spend ample time preparing meals and snacks for themselves in their kitchen. Many accidents happen in the kitchen due to overreaching, overextending, and becoming off-balance. Take time to reorganize the kitchen, remove unused items out of the way, and place most used items within easy reach. The less mess in the kitchen to maneuver around is better for the safety of your aging loved one. 

Start Home Care Services Earlier Rather Than Later

Many of us consider elderly home care services reserved for when a person can no longer safely live at home by themselves. However, you can extend the amount of time your aging loved one remains happily in their home by employing home care services earlier rather than later. Consult your professional home care services agency to see what services they offer and how these services can help your aging loved one thrive.