Who Wants To Do What?

We get it – family decisions are difficult. Especially for a family of any size, it's not usually all that common for everybody to come to the same conclusion at the same time.

This applies to all sorts of things. It can be hard to get everybody to agree on where everyone wants to have dinner. It can be a lot harder to talk about bigger things, for instance, where someone should spend their days in their reclining years.

Frankly, it's just a big decision, and family members don't have an incentive to start out all on the same page. People have their own closely held emotions about the subject. There are all kinds of considerations, from an investment in a legacy property, to the need for skilled nursing care or assistive staff for an elderly family member - and everything in between. 

Even in our families, we don't agree 100% of the time. But there are ways to streamline the process and resolve some of the conflicts around where mom or dad or some other family member is going to go.

Starting with Compassion

Our intake process is based on this reality – that families will often need help consulting and coming to an agreement or a decision on where a family member will live.

We feel it's critically important, in this specific field, to avoid high-pressure situations, and to try to reach out in a calm and compassionate way to talk about alternatives. When people feel that nobody has a dog in the fight, they're more likely to be able to brainstorm and come up with a consensus.

The Setup

We also have another key responsibility that helps in resolving these types of issues. Simply put, our responsibility is to make a plan that's great for mom or dad, and finding things that people are going to want to do, so that a lot of that back-and-forth gets eliminated from the very start.

That's where we can talk about meal planning and accommodations and all of those good things that we put into the business model, specifically to support our families and their elderly family members. But again, it starts with being able to meet and think together and come up with a solution that works for everyone. Talk to Like Family Home Care about the needs that your family has, and we can come up with a workable plan together, so that at the end of the day, everyone can rest easy about what’s happening.